Brenda Tate Portrait Photographer

Brenda Tate Portrait Photographer in CT


"Meet Brenda Tate, the creative genius behind the lens and the proud winner of numerous awards for capturing life's most beautiful moments. When she's not transforming everyday scenes into works of art, you can find her at home, where she juggles the roles of a loving wife and the coolest mom to two amazing adult children.

Her world is a kaleidoscope of passions, from painting with light in the studio to crafting intricate set designs that transport her subjects to otherworldly realms. And speaking of realms, her love for music and nature often leads to whimsical adventures, with cameras in tow, of course!

So, whether you're seeking to freeze a precious moment in time or embark on an artistic journey, Brenda is your guide to a world where every click is a story waiting to be told. Let her lens work its magic, and you'll see why they say, 'A picture is worth a thousand words, but one from her? Pure magic!' 📷🌟"


phone: (860) 631-7622 *Please Leave a Message” I am usually busy in the studio.

studio address: Watertown, CT